Friday, November 21, 2008
Paul Adams recipient of campus award
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
FAA 199 students flyer neighborhood businesses for upcoming ceremony
Later in the afternoon the students worked in Project H.E.A.V.E.N.’S office to sort supplies and assemble emergency bags for people in transition. The bags are part of Saint Clair County’s Project Homeless Connect which helps support the needs of homeless individuals and families.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Urban Affairs Association March 4-7, 2009
FAA 199 students preserve, clean-up, and provide support

Other students helped Catholic Urban Programs preserve historic gravestones at one of the oldest cemeteries in East St. Louis.

Eight students worked at 41st Street Pullman Porter Park to shovel 20 tons of gravel into a walkway in the park. And a few students helped Christina Fisher, Director of Village Theatre, to organize supply closets in the theatre and their tool shed.

Due to the chilly weather on Saturday, most of the students worked indoors with the Katherine Dunham Museum to catalog their library, decorate the museum for the holidays, and clean and sort historic materials at two of Katherine Dunham's homes.
As usual, all the hard work was capped off by a stop at Pirtle's, for the world's best ice cream, before we headed home
Monday, November 17, 2008
November Outreach Weekend
Friday, November 7, 2008
Project H.E.A.V.E.N.

ESLARP is helping to publicize the event by flyering local businesses and community centers. Project HEAVEN - Crime Victim Services works to assist victims of crime and collaborate with local service agencies to improve referral and direct services for victims in the greater East St. Louis area.
For more information on Project HEAVEN see:
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Engaging scholars and practitioners
In early October, Imagining America drew together a group of scholars, activists, community organizers, and all shades in between, to mutually engage one overarching question: what does it mean to do "public" scholarship? Abbilyn Harmon, an ESLARP graduate assistant, had the opportunity to reflect on this question many times over in the panels and activities organized for the conference, and found herself challenged by those from inside and outside the walls of academia.
Abby also had the opportunity to take part in the Publicly Active Graduate Education (PAGE) program, which brought together a group of 20 graduate students to aggressively take on this question as part of a daylong PAGE summit. At this summit, Abby presented her ESLARP-based Participatory Action Research course as a model of engaged critical pedagogy. Laura Lawson, ESLARP director, also presented at the conference about ESLARP's engagement in public scholarship.
The American Planning Association's 2008 Illinois State Conference was held here in Champaign from October 29-31. Planning students and practitioners from all across the state attended workshops and sessions exploring creating greener cities, better transportation, and the changing demographics of cities in Illinois. Sang Lee, an ESLARP visiting lecturer, presented on planning education, community organizing, and East St. Louis. She was part of a session exploring equity planning in practice. Ken Salo, an ESLARP Campus Advisory Committee member, was also part of the session, presenting on his work in north Champaign around environmental justice issues. Earlier in the conference, another ESLARP CAC member, Elizabeth Sweet, presented her work on gender and immigrants in Illinois.
Monday, October 6, 2008
FAA 391 students work with Eagles Nest
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
41st Street- Pullman Porter Park
Friday, community partners excavated a bed for a new walking path, and hauled away excess soil to create a berm to prevent future flooding in the park. Meanwhile, University of Illinois faculty members and community leaders marked out beds and staged mulch and gravel for the following day.
Saturday, students arrived to haul and spread crushed concrete gravel to create over 200 feet of new walking pathway. While some installed the new path, other students were given instruction on how to weed, edge and mulch planting beds. Following their instruction, they were able to put their new skills to the test by enlarging and establishing new planting beds to create space for additional plants in the park. A final group of students was able to clean out a neighbor's overgrown fence and haul the brush away to a central location for future removal.

Freedom by Design Demo and Design
Freedom by Design (FBD), the community service organization of the American Institute of Architect Students, began the construction phase of a multi-tasked project for Opal’s House. Beginning in the Fall 08 semester, the team of University of IL architecture students, ranging from undergraduate to graduate, will build a wooden ramp and a staircase on the rear exterior of the house. FBD works to enhance the homes of low-income elderly and people with disabilities through quality design.
On Friday, the volunteers stored the lumber for the staircase and ramp at the tool shed located at the Village Theatre. They also moved 50 computer monitors to Eagle’s Nest. The monitors are a donation from the Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Saturday, was demolition day. The two FBD co-chairs and 5 of the team members removed the existing staircase. The team also began installing toilet grab bars in the first floor bathroom. Once the railings are installed, the bathroom will be meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements. In addition to the construction projects, the students completed landscaping around Opal’s House, mowing the lawn and transplanting the petunia bush adored by the home’s namesake.
Before returning to Champaign, the students presented the drawings for the project to George and Essie Calhoun of Opal’s House, and consulted with their construction mentor about the project.
FAA 199 students spruce up the place
On Saturday, September 27, the FAA 199 students worked with the City of East St. Louis Mayor's Office and Concerned Citizens of Precinct 12 on a clean-up in Precinct 12. Located in the Lansdowne neighborhood, students and community members cleared an overgrown alley, cleared Waverly Avenue of litter, and cleaned up vacant lots. They also enjoyed a delicious lunch catered by Concerned Citizens of Precinct 12. We capped the day off with a much deserved trip to Pirtle's Ice Cream.
RST 393 in Alta Sita and Precinct 12
Saturday started of with an excellent first meeting of those interested in the Virginia Park project. It wasn't a big meeting but it was attended by some area movers-and-shakers. We decided to have a second meeting 10/18 followed by a cook-out in Virginia Park to get more people involved. Saturday afternoon we went to CCP12 to work on their clean up. More tree cutting and I hope no poison ivy.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
September Outreach Weekend
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Ramping it up
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Flat, not boring

that was on both the gentrification and arts tour.
Saturday morning Elizabeth, Abby, Billie, Martha, and I conducted a workshop on the use of storytelling within planning. Billie and Martha shared stories about East St. Louis and Eagle's Nest, and through video-taped interviews we were also able to share stories of other community partners from East St. Louis. See our workshop agenda and resources list here. Attendees shared their own stories and the ways in which some of them have been able to incorporate storytelling into their research or organizations. The conference ended with a big bash at a local community center, with locally produced food (delicious tacos with fresh produce!) and musicians. Although it was an action packed two days, we met some amazing educators, practitioners, and activists trying to address social justice issues in their own communities. Who knows, maybe we'll see a Planners Network Conference in Champaign or East St. Louis in a few years...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Winnipeg, here we come!
The ESLARP students and community members will be conducting a workshop titled:
"Storytelling: Critical Reflection and Creative Performance". We will also be bringing other longtime community partners and their stories with us to Winnipeg via video-taped interviews.