Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Prepping beds in Prosperity Gardens

On Saturday, February 25th, students from FAA 291 worked with Prosperity Gardens to build protective tents for six of the planting beds. The tents will protect seedlings from the harsh and often unpredictable weather conditions that a Midwestern spring bring. The tents will also allow Prosperity Garden to get an early start on developing their delicious vegetable garden. Vegetables harvested in the summer months will be sold at the North First Street Farmers Market, right next to Prosperity Gardens.

February 24-25th, 2012 - Saturday Outreach Weekend Activities

[Students preparing smoke detectors for installation]

On Friday, Alita, Officer Bob and I took students around the OKO neighborhood to install smoke detectors in residential homes. Bob gave us a history and crime overview of the neighborhood and explained what measures the Decatur Police Department put in place to cool down crime and drug hot spots in the area.

We installed about ten smoke detectors and provided the residents maintenance information and instructions for care. Afterwards, we were briefed on our tasks for our Community Cook-In and greeted residents as they arrived. The students were given clipboards and conversation starters for their interactions with the residents during the Cook-In.
They learned about the needs and desires of the neighborhood and what resources are in demand so the OKO Community Center can strategize how to better serve their community and involve more adults. They students also played with the children!

Lunch was a great success for the students, residents and supports of the Community Center. Following the Cook-In and cleanup, we all sat with Alita and she asked for our reflections and findings of the residents during lunch. Many adults were keen on the integration of more adult-targeted support activities.

We also did a "plus - delta" assessment of our weekend with the Old Kings Orchard Community Center, whereby the students were able to share their opinions of success and what they think can change next time around. After our reflection, we helped clean up and a team went back around the neighborhood to install more smoke detectors. We capped our weekend at Decatur's Kreckles restaurant and returned back to campus before dark!