We're picking up steam getting the Jones Park Community Center ready for a new computer lab. On April 1st and 2nd UP291 students joined forces with LIS451 students to assemble, prime, and paint 12 computer desks.
Saturday afternoon a group began replacing baseboard trim around the building, starting in the main entryway. Getting some of the old trim off turned out to be quite a challenge, but we were pleased with the results as the aging green trim was replaced with the new black trim. We look forward to future outreach weekends when we can get the rest of the trim replaced.
LIS451 students returned to East St. Louis on April 8 & 9 to continue preparations and to do a wireless survey in advance of a wireless network design proposal for the park. At a minimum, we need to find a way to get the broadband available at the Administrative building over to the Community Center. But we're also looking into whether one or more wireless hotspots might be created within the park for resident use. The final plan will be presented to the park district on our last visit April 29th and 30th.
No trip is complete without a stop at Pirtle's. On the 9th that stop not only included our getting some ice cream, but also in our adding two computers to the public access lab at the shop.