Twelve students from Professor Dearborn’s ARCH 572 Studio visited E. St. Louis as part of the Sept 9th-10th Outreach Weekend to analyze two neighborhoods for a semester-long research project exploring development strategies in Winstanley-Industry Park and Olivette Park. After lunch on Friday the ARCH 572 Studio discussed air pollution with Amy Funk of ESLARP’s Citizens Air Quality Project before departing on our tour of the two neighborhoods led by Leverne Backstrom. Students were exposed to key locations and historical facts of both neighborhoods as a portion of our detailed analysis for development studies. On Saturday the students documented two potential development sites in Winstanley-Industry Park and one in Olivette Park. While on site, the students were able to meet with some neighborhood residents and make contacts for future neighborhood meetings where residents can provide feedback, a crucial step of the design process, for the designs that will be created by the class.